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Monday, October 18, 2010

Instapundit » Blog Archive » TRAPPED MINERS, LIBERTARIANISM, AND a response to Sandy Levinson. Well, if you’re looking for cou…

Great article. A motivated people, accomplished more in the Chilean mine rescue and the immediate days after 9/11, and indeed after MOST disasters than all the "professionals" later (first four days were sheer community effort with almost NO federal involvement) .Why? I believe they are unrestrained by government with its unending pile of regulations, rules, ego-jockeying, fear of reprimand for witting/untwittingly violating some arcane protocol, laziness, inefficiency and just sheer incompetence. They work "from the heart."

You will have the proponents of big government bawling out about the dangers of anarchy and utter pandemonium chaos without their "help," the truth is that this is like howling about the dangers of too much water consumption to people dying of thirst in the desert.

Maybe we should overcorrect a bit and see if we really DO collapse into a mess. Could not be much worse than what we have now.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » TRAPPED MINERS, LIBERTARIANISM, AND a response to Sandy Levinson. Well, if you’re looking for cou…

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