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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Political Shocker: Tea Party candidate knocks Lazio out of governor’s race - New York Government |

It is SHOCKING, I tell ya!

The republican party grassroots has finally come to the stunning conclusion that they simply do not have to swallow and shut up and support whoever the party bigwigs say they have to. This is amazing in and of itself.

The somber political pundits will nod gravely and intone a disaster at these rubes who insist on putting forth unelectable candidates.

I am all for the crazies taking over the house. It simply cannot get any worse than the two mirror image parties we have now, full of thieves, hucksters, lying pandering proponents of more and more power, irresponsibility and arrogant hubris.

Political Shocker: Tea Party candidate knocks Lazio out of governor’s race - New York Government |

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